Sunday, November 28, 2010

Helpful Points On Becoming A Truly Remarkable Online Business Developer

What does it take to be an absolutely remarkable virtual assistant? There are a lot of things online or marketing speak about the 5 P’s. By doing a search on Google for the 5 P's or the P's of Marketing or similar, then you will uncover a list of different words whose initial letter is a P, which are indeed relevant to marketing, but not necessarily when it comes to Virtual Assistants. These are my 5 P’s for Virtual Assistants and what you can do to be truly remarkable at your Virtual Assistant business.


The first P is the most important one, it’s Passion. You need to have passion for what you do, for your business. You need to be passionate about your skills, also about learning because you need to always be learning in virtual assistance because it’s changing so much. Unless you are passionate, it is unlikely you'll be able to build a standout business with virtual assistants. It’s not to say that you won’t be successful and you won’t have want you want from your business but if you want to really go for it and you want to be one of the best virtual assistants and one of the competitors in the virtual assistant industry you need to have that passion and that fire going for what you do.


Secondly, you need to be Personable. Do you get on well with people? Communication is everything in this business. You need to be able to speak to people well. In addition, you have to be able to communicate what you are thinking to others in order to give instructions and to impart what you're feeling and so on and it's important that people really take to you, as well. You need a combination of social skills and personality. It’s an important part of being a virtual assistant because people actually can’t see you, usually, because you’re virtual. If you like, you have to have a very advanced digital kind of personality. It’s not easy but you need this characteristic in you.


The third one is Productivity. You have to be very very productive to be a good virtual assistant because the whole basis of your business will be how much work you can get done, how productive you can be with the tasks and various things which are going to be coming at you because you’re not just doing billable time. If you were then it would be pretty easy but you also have to run the business alongside it. If you think that you're going to restrict yourself to eight hours a day, then don't expect all those hours to be billable by themselves as only a few will be and the rest of the time you will be focused on trying to develop and build your Virtual Assistant organisation. So, it’s really vital that you can be extra extra productive to get lots of things done during the day and also for business development.


The fourth one is Patience. You have to be very very very patient because you will get clients and some people that you have to deal with who will test your patience. It happens quite a lot with me. In these circumstances it is very important that you remain calm, as you will always have to be sympathetic to the other person's position. Sometimes you come across people who try to get their work done and put you under additional pressure and you cannot upset people so all you can do is stand back and take a deep breath and tell yourself that you are going to do your absolute best under the circumstances. Do your absolute best and everything will fall into place for you.


The last one is Perseverance because without perseverance you will not sustain your VA business because a VA business is not built overnight. It’s not a get-rich-quick scheme. You have to dedicate a lot of time. It takes hard work, a lot of effort but once you get there and once you make it and you persevere then it will be wonderful. I am extremely satisfied with my Virtual Assistant organization, I can assure you. It’s really one of the best things that ever happened to me. I hope if you’re thinking about becoming a virtual assistant that you don’t give up on the first hard time, you persevere and you get through the tough time, especially during recession and things like that. But in actual fact, the recession, after a couple of months I increased my workloads and my business a lot more. In many respects, you will find that Virtual Assistance is one of those recession proof businesses.

Here are the 5 P's of being an outstanding virtual assistance provider: Productivity, Personable, Patience, Perseverance and Passion.

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