Any online business owner must realize that the path to generating income lies with a certain kind of daily activity. Let's face it, if you are not yet into the profit zone then you have to figure out what is going on. Given below are a few effective tips that you can use to start earning a considerable income from your site.
Running ads directly on your website is one way to make money from it, but did you know that you can run relevant ads in your site's RSS feed as well? Webmasters have realized that this is a huge area that can be monetized effectively if done right. There are services like Feedburner and Bidvertiser allow publishers to have ads displayed in their RSS feeds. As you can imagine, they handle the technical end of everything so it is hand's off for you. If you're not comfortable with third party services, you can also choose to sell banner ads/sponsored messages directly in your feed.
However, your blog/site needs to be a high traffic one if you seek to go the direct route.
It is possible that your market and existing site is well-suited for offering consulting to your audience. This is an area in which you need to get to a point where you have enough credibility. You may find that there are smaller market segments in which a need exists for a consultant. Just one perfect example for you is in IM, and you know there are millions who have difficulties with it. Does that make a good niche for starting a consulting service? Consulting services are not for everyone because not everyone has expert knowledge.
You really should consider just taking care of your own business and renting out real estate to advertisers. What you can do is negotiate for your self and keep all the profits. We think this is the best way to go since what ever you can get belongs to you. The only possible speed bump here is the amount of traffic you get to your site. If your website is new, then you'll have to wait till it reaches a level before you start getting advertisers. Once you do this, then just know ahead of time that all matters will be done by you.
The monetization strategies that we discussed above are only a tip of the iceberg; as you move ahead you'll discover many different ways to make money from your site consistently.
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